Ministry of Health Held Consultative Meeting on National Human Resource Policy and Strategic Plan

Ministry of Health Held Consultative Meeting on National Human Resource Policy and Strategic Plan

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) with technical and financial support of WHO conducted a three day health sector Human Resource Working Group consultative workshop from 3-5 May 2012. The Working Group deliberated on the draft Human Resources for Health (HRH) Policy, Strategic Plan and Profile for Sierra Leone.
The meeting was coordinated by the Directorate of Human Resources in the MoHS. Delivering the opening statement, the Director, Mr Prince Cole, stated that the HRH profile, policy, and strategic plan will help to inform and address the challenges that exist with regards the human resource management of the ministry.
Participants including officials of MoHS, the public sector Human Resources Management Office, other government entities, UN and other agencies, reviewed, deliberated and made inputs to improve the draft documents. Outcome of this meeting will be presented to a stakeholders meeting for validation.

The HRH profile will provide a comprehensive picture of the health work-force situation focusing on available capacity and gaps in the country, identify the major health stakeholders, their roles and support. Similarly, the policy will provide guidance for ensuring that there is adequate and appropri-ate human resource capacity to support the effective and efficient implemen-tation of the National Health Policy in line with the government’s develop-ment plans. The Strategic Plan will provide a framework to guide and direct interventions with focus on priority HRH components such as planning, management and financing, production and professional regulation, retention of health personnel, information and research as well as partnership and advocacy.

The MoHS is endeavoring to improve the planning, implementation and management of a comprehensive human resources for health information system. WHO supported the ministry to acquire a web based internet driven human resources management tool to enhance the quality of HR data management and is also providing additional support to enhance the Ministry’s effort in improving its other human resources components.

MoHS & WHO Hold Monthly Technical Consultation on Priority Health Issues

For More Information contact:

World Health Organization, 21 A and B Riverside Drive,
off King Harman Road, Freetown
Phone: 232-22-233565, +232-76-777878;
E-mail: whosl [at]," target="_blank"> whosl [at],


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