World Health Organization (WHO) scales up emergency health and nutrition response to meet increasing needs of families affected by crisis in South Sudan

World Health Organization (WHO) scales up emergency health and nutrition response to meet increasing needs of families affected by crisis in South Sudan

Nairobi, 18 July 2016 – As the impact of the recent fighting in South Sudan continues, more families are being driven out of their homes in search of safety every day. Over 100 000 people have been displaced since a new round of intense fighting erupted in late June 2016 in South Sudan. The latest fighting has affected even the Equatoria regions further south of Juba, a hitherto peaceful part of the country.

WHO has established an integrated Incident Management System (IMS), to coordinate risk assessment, incident management, health emergency information management and rapid financial disbursements as part of the response to the current emergency in collaboration with health partners in the country   

Despite ongoing insecurity, unpredictable circumstances and security breaches against health facilities, WHO continues to provide basic health services to the affected population. The situation remains desperate for displaced families with Inadequate access to water and sanitation services puts them at risk of disease such as cholera

WHO with other partners is currently responding to reported cases of cholera with case investigation, technical guidance, and the provision of pre-positioned cholera kits that provides treatment for 400 people, tents, disinfection pumps and other supplies.

“Conflict has disrupted health services across South Sudan reducing the population access to basic health services,” says Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO Representative to South Sudan. “This work is vital because during a crisis internally displaced people (IDPs) in camp settings are most vulnerable to disease outbreaks and malnutrition”. 

As part of the response to meet the growing health and nutrition needs of an estimated 1.6  million people affected by the ongoing crisis, WHO delivered lifesaving treatments and supplies including:  trauma kits, body bags, IV fluids and giving sets, iodine solutions and fracture kits.  In addition, WHO is also shipping to Juba several kits of essential drugs and medical supplies. The supplies are expected to be in Juba early next week. 

Under extremely difficult conditions, WHO and partners in South Sudan are also reaching families sheltering in schools, Churches and settlement areas across South Sudan with life-saving health care. Mobile medical teams are dispatched to reach people in many areas hardest hit by the ongoing conflict including Juba, Wau, Bentiu and Torit. Rapid assessments to monitor the health situation of the displaced people are to also be scaled up in Juba and the affected states.

In Wau and Bentiu, where more than 83 thousand and 99 thousand IDPs are sheltering in the Protection Of Civilians (POCs) and other sites respectively, vital immunizations are also being provided and the spread of communicable disease and nutritional status of children is being monitored closely.

“The health and nutrition needs of South Sudanese across the country were already sub-optimal and are rapidly increasing so we must act now to ensure delivery of services,” says Dr Abdulmumini. 

Besides distributing supplies in conflict affected states, he added, "we continue to work with our partners to assist displaced people through prevention and treatment of communicable disease, and severe malnutrition among children".

WHO is appealing to the international community for increased funding of its emergency health and nutrition programmes which are reaching tens of thousands of South Sudanese affected by the conflict and whose needs grow each day.


For more information, please contact: 

Dr Usman Abdulmumini, WHO South Sudan Country Representative, Mobile: +211953333842, Email: abdulmuminiu [at]

Dr Ngoy Nsenga, Incident Manager, Mobile: +254795565543, Email: nsengan [at]

Ms Jemila M. Ebrahim, Communication Officer, Mobile: +254780959582, Email: ebrahimj [at]