Reaching every household in Sierra Leone with treated nets during maternal and child Health Week

Reaching every household in Sierra Leone with treated nets during maternal and child Health Week

Freetown 6th June 2014 - The Minister of Health and Sanitation launched another Maternal Child Health Week (MCHW) on the 5th of June 2014 at the Bo Stadium. Speaking at the launch Madam Miata Kargbo said that the week is an opportunity to improve health she encouraged all household to fully participate and thanked partners for their contribution. Furthermore she alerted the audience about the current Ebola outbreak and admonished all to play active role in preventing and controlling the outbreak.

The Maternal and Child Health Week is implemented twice a year to scale up life saving interventions and promote child and maternal health. Interventions in this campaign includes distribtion of treated bed nets, to every household in the country, dworming all children between 12-29 months and providing Vitmin A supplementation to children 6-59 months.

Speaking on behalf of the UN family, the UNICEF Representtive Mr Roeland Monasch thanked the government for its strides to improve the health of the population. He also encouraged all to ensure that they properly use the nets. Other speakers include representative of World Bank, Global Fund, DFiD, Helen Keller International, United Methodist Church and the civil society.

The programe was chaired by the Provincial Secretary South Mr G.L Kamara and was attended by the UN family including WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA, traditional leaders, politicians, NGOs, Civil society Groups and members of the public. A health Fair was part of the launch.


For More Information contact:

World Health Organization
21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown

e-mail: afwcosl [at]"target="_blank>afwcosl [at]


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