Sierra Leone Makes progress in malaria Control and commemorates World Malaria Day

Sierra Leone Makes progress in malaria Control and commemorates World Malaria Day

FREETOWN –1st May 2014 - The Minister of Health and Sanitation Madam Miata Kargbo launched the Sierra Leone Malaria Indicator Survey 2013 during World Malaria Day 2014 held at the Saint Anthony’s hall in Freetown. The Minister applauded the progress made in malaria control noting that “we have a reason to celebrate our achievements” She commended the efforts of Ministry of Health Staff and partners for their contribution but pointed out that the country has to do more to reach its goal.

The chairperson of the launching program Dr Brima Kargbo explained that malaria is still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the country. He added that the tools and means to control and treat malaria are available and called on all to utilize them.

The WHO Country Representative Dr Jacob Mufunda read two statements one on behalf of the UN Secretary General and the other for WHO Regional Director for Africa which indicated progress made and the challenges in control of malaria in the world and in Africa. Statements were also delivered by the Country Coordination Committee, Total Oil Company and Catholic Relief Services. The statements highlighted governments commitment and support of donors for malaria control.

The National Malaria Program Manager Dr Samuel Smith presented the results of the survey which indicates the following: 

Comparison between MIC indicators 2010 and 2013

Indicator                                                     2010                 2013                Target
%of <5 who slept under LLIN                     44%                 69%                 75%
previous night 

% of pregnant women who slept                 47%                80%                 80%
under LLIN previous night

% of pregnant women who receive            72%                 62%                 85%
2 or more doses of IPT during their
last pregnancy

% of people who know preventive               59%               90%                 75%
measures for malaria


The theme for the World Malaria Day 2014 is Invest in the Future Defeat Malaria. The national slogan is “kick malaria out: sleep under a treated bed net always”. This slogan is in preparation for the mass distribution of Insecticide Treated Nets that will take place in June 2014 during the country’s maternal and child health week.


For More Information contact:

World Health Organization
21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown 
Phone : 232-22-233565 , +232-76-723236

e-mail: whosl [at]"target="_blank>whosl [at]

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