Sierra Leone Prepares for Ebola Outbreak

Sierra Leone Prepares for Ebola Outbreak

The Minister of Health and Sanitation Madam Miata Kargbo has briefed partners about the Ebola Situation in Sierra Leo- ne and the preparations for any outbreak. She explained about national task force and technical commitees on coor- dination, case management, communications, laboratory and surveillance.

During the briefing meeting the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Brima Kargbo explained that Sierra Leone does not have any suspected or confirm case of Ebola. Further- more he briefed about the stepping up of surveillance and efforts to calm the public.

The WHO Country representative Dr Jacob Mufunda gave a situational update about Guinea and neighboring countries. He reiterated the reediness of the three levels of WHO to support the regions preparedness and response. Other donors have also indicated their readiness to support the country. The press and Civil Society groups have also been briefed by the Minister of Health and the Chief Medical Officer on the situation.

The technical commitees have presented their plans and budgets to national taskforce on 26 March 2014. The Com- mittee on communication have developed key messages for dissemination.

The Secretary General of Mano River Union Haja Dr Saran Daraba Kaba and her Deputy Mrs Lynda Koroma today pre- sented a cheque of over 33 Million Leones to the Minister of Health and Sanitation in support of Ebola prevention efforts.


For More Information contact:

World Health Organization
21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown
Phone : 232-22-233565 , +232-76-723236

e-mail: whosl [at]

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