United Nations Country Team Undertakes field visits to assess Ebola outbreak response

United Nations Country Team Undertakes field visits to assess Ebola outbreak response

Heads of agencies of the United Nations in Sierra Leone visited Kenema and Kailahun Districts on 30 June and 1 July respectively. The team was led by the UN Resident Coordinator, David McLachlan-Karr. The objective of the visit was to identify gaps in the Ebola response and assess resource needs. Outcome of the visit will guide the UN agencies in their resource mobilisation for a coordinated UN intervention in supporting the government and partners to curb outbreak of the Ebola Hemorrhagic Disease in Sierra Leone.

The team met with partners in the district during the District Taskforce meeting and were briefed on the activities of the different technical subcommittees particularly in the Kailahun District, the main epicenter of the outbreak. They were also informed about the scale of the outbreak, constraints in the interventions and required services, and strategic areas of needs for effective implementation of the response activities.

Some of the major challenges highlighted to the delegation included inadequate ambulance services, scarce trained health workers for the emergency response, isolated incidences of community hostilities towards health workers, denials and fear of the disease including among health workers. The team lauded efforts of the partners in the field and expressed satisfaction about their coordinated approach in the response. 

The District Taskforce, comprising of MoHS officials, traditional and religious leaders, civil society groups and the local government officials, international and local partners made special appeal to the UN team for increased resources for effective interventions. 

Since the outbreak the United Nations has committed considerable efforts and resources in addressing the disease.

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