Maputo, 17-18 October 2016: WHO/USAID consultation meeting on National Health Workforce Accounts

Maputo, 17-18 October 2016: WHO/USAID consultation meeting on National Health Workforce Accounts

The World Health Assembly resolution on the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health (WHA69.19) urges Member States to consolidate a core set of HRH data with annual reporting to the Global Health Observatory, as well as progressive implementation of National Health Workforce Accounts (NHWA) to support national policy and planning. 

Since early 2015, WHO with a number of partners and experts have engaged through the Technical Advisory Group on NHWA to produce a NHWA Handbook that introduces the concept and presents key health workforce indicators organized in 10 modules based on a health labour market framework for universal health coverage. 

Moving forward, a number of consultations are being organized, the first of which is the WHO/ USAID consultation (hosted by the Government of Mozambique), in Maputo from 17-18 October to discuss next steps for its implementation in countries of the African Region.  The meeting will be attended by senior officials from 10 countries in the region (Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Ruanda, Tanzania e Zambia) as well as USAID mission representatives and WHO staff.


Para informações adicionais, por favor, queira contactar: Rua Pereira Marinho, 280  . C.P. 377. Maputo,  Tel (258) 21 49 27 32/21492165, Fax (258 ) 21  49 19 90,  e-mail : afwcomz [at] " target="_blank">afwcomz [at]  

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