

The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST)

Manual for use in primary care

Publication details

Number of pages: 74
Publication date: 2010
Languages: English
ISBN: 978 92 4 159938 2


The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) was developed for the World Health Organization (WHO) by an international group of researchers and clinicians as a technical tool to assist with early identification of substance use related health risks and substance use disorders in primary health care, general medical care and other settings.

The ASSIST package is part of the WHO ASSIST project and was developed to help the primary health professionals to detect and manage substance use and related problems in primary and general medical care settings. The package includes three different manuals; (1) The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance involvement Screening Test (ASSIST); (2) The ASSIST-linked brief intervention for hazardous and harmful substance use and (3) Self-help strategies for cutting down or stopping substance use: a guide

The WHO ASSIST project aims to support and promote screening and brief interventions for psychoactive substance use by health professionals to facilitate prevention, early recognition and management of substance use disorders in health care systems with the ultimate goal of reducing the disease burden attributable to psychoactive substance use worldwide.