Eritrea conducts Country Capacity Assessment on Health Disaster Risk Management

Eritrea conducts Country Capacity Assessment on Health Disaster Risk Management

The Eritrean  Ministry of Health  conducted an assessment of the country capacity on the health Disaster Risk Management (DRM). This is a key step in the implementation of the Regional Health Sector DRM strategy as its findings will help develop DRM Road Map to operationalize Regional Strategy at country level.

At the launching of the activity, WHO Representative to Eritrea, Dr. Abdulmumini Usman welcomed the participants and congratulated MOH, especially the department of Clinical Services for initiating this important activity. WR emphasized that emergencies often lead to disasters and it is for the MOH to be better prepared. In addition, he assured the ministry that WHO will provide the necessary technical guidance; strengthen the evidence base for health DRM; support national and sub-national capacity building; strengthen collaboration with and ensure coherence and complementarities of actions among relevant entities.  

 In his opening  remarks,  the Director General of Medical services, Mr Berhane Gebretensae,  clearly pointed out the importance of the assessment and stated  that all the participants would have common understanding in implementing health DRM . He mentioned MOH’s readiness to start the implementation of the regional health DRM strategy by developing country health DRM strategy. He further elaborated that health sector has its own assignment to  institutionalize health  DRM. He thanked WHO for providing appropriate  financial and technical support.

There was high representation from  the different divisions of the MOH, including the staff of Asmara College of Health Sciences and UN partners.

Dr. Kebba. O. Jaiteh, from IST/ESA, was the lead facilitator and expert on the subject.

At the end of the 10-day activity, the country was able to achieve the following:

  1. Orientation of stakeholders on the key concepts of DRM; the African Regional Strategy of health DRM and the methodology for conducting county capacity assessment.
  2. Assessed the country capacity for the implementation of health DRM strategy for the African Region.
  3. Developed road-map  for strengthening capacity and for the implementation of the interventions contained in the Regional Strategy.

Mr Semere Gebregiorgis, MPN/Advisor wrapped up  the activity  and presented way forward. He shared the following points:

  • Participants should become familiar with the key concepts in disaster management and resilience and the African regional frameworks for disaster risk management.
  • WHO will provide support for strengthening country and community capacities in health and other sectors to manage the health risks associated with emergencies and disasters. 
  • Eritrea  is encouraged to strengthen its  capacities for emergency risk management incorporating measures for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
  • WHO will work with a wide range of partners to improve health outcomes for people at risk of emergencies and disasters.

Dr Goitom Mebrahtu, Director Clinical Services said that the main objective of the assessment was achieved. He also expressed his appreciation for the Director General of Clinical Services, DG of Public Health, WHO and participants for their active participation. He further stated that participants can define key actions which would contribute to disaster reduction and resilience within the health sector.

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