Sixth Essential National List of Medicines (ENLM) Review Consensus Workshop was kicked off

Sixth Essential National List of Medicines (ENLM) Review Consensus Workshop was kicked off

Sixth ENLM Review Consensus Building workshop was held from 18 to 20 Nov. 2014 at Orotta Conference Hall. The objective of the workshop was to adopt a draft 6th edition on the list, taking into account the efficacy, safety, quality, cost-effectiveness of the medicines in the current context of the national health system.

The workshop was officially opened by Mr Berhane Ghebretnsae, Director General for Medical Services Department. He underlined, essential medicines are those that are deemed to satisfy the health care needs of the majority of the population and should be available in the appropriate dosage forms and strengths at all times and at affordable prices .

Director General went on to say that the development of the Eritrean National List of Medicine is not designed and intended to restrict prescribing practices and is not a shopping list either; the aim is to rationally use the available human and financial resources. To that effect, the list has been an indispensable instrument for promoting the rational use and cost effective procurement of medicines in Eritrea, DG pointed out.  It has also been a tool for proper control of supply leading to fairly equitable distribution and availability of essential medicines throughout the country, mentioned DG.

Another speaker at the event was WHO Representative to Eritrea, Dr Abdulmumini Usman. He emphasized that the sixth review of ENLM is very important to WHO for many reasons. He recalled that WHO member states including Eritrea approved the 12th Global Programme of Work for 2014-2019.

 This GPW has six major priorities including advancing Universal Health Coverage; addressing unfinished and future challenges for accelerating the achievement of health related MDGs; addressing the social, economic and environmental determinants of health and notably what concerns us today; increasing access to essential, high quality and affordable medical products (medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and other technologies), noted Dr Abdulmumini.

The WHO Representative urged the participants to highlight the carefully chosen words of access, essential, high quality and affordable. These terms are very important as embark on this important exercise of revising the ENLM as it should be based on evidence of the above so as not to end up producing a wish list of medicines that health workers want, added WR.

He further noted to congratulate the Government of the State of Eritrea through the Ministry of Health in its effort to ensure quality affordable health care to the citizens including access to quality medicines.

WR assured WHO’s continuous support to these efforts not only providing technical assistance but also supporting direct procurement of essential medicines and technologies.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) reviews and updates the Eritrean National List of Medicines (ENLM) every 3-4 years to make it relevant to the health problems of the country. In addition, this document is a major component of the Eritrean National Medicines Policy and has been an indispensable instrument for promoting the rational use and effective procurement of medicines. In this regard, the MOH organized the review process and to update of the ENLM.

At the event, Lapnet-Moustapha, Dr Thomas made presentation on review Eritrean National List of Medicines (The Essential Medicines Concept). Dr Thomas provided technical support for the review of the Eritrean National List of Medicines and for a rapid assessment of the National Medicines and Food Administration.

The process was launched in January 2014 and forms were sent out to all health facilities, prescribers and relevant stakeholders. The purpose of these forms was to receive suggestions for addition or deletion, supported with evidence-based arguments.

The suggestions received were enriched with information available in the medical literature and presented by the ENLM sub-committee to the National Medicines and Therapeutics Committee for discussions and guidance. The outcomes of this process were presented to the audience  subjected to further discussions and consensus reached after a substantive technical arguments and convincing answer.



01. Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO Representative to Eritrea making speech

02. Participants of the workshop

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