The United Republic of Tanzania launches the National Action Plan for Health Security

The United Republic of Tanzania launches the National Action Plan for Health Security

Dodoma, 08 September 2017:   “Building resilience, strengthening global health security!” was the theme during the historical launch of the Tanzania National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS). The journey towards the NAPHS started after completion of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) in February 2016. This year, Tanzania made giant strides in strengthening the implementation of IHR core capacities.

Today, we are challenged by a variety of epidemics and health emergencies. During the past few years, the world has experienced outbreaks such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, pandemic influenza H1N1 in 2009, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012. Recently we have seen the Zika virus disease ravaging the Americas, and Yellow fever, dengue fever in other locations. In addition, there are natural disasters like the Nepal earthquake, flooding in Bangladesh, Iran, Columbia, and man-made disasters such as the conflict in South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen with increased vulnerability of populations. But what really shook the world to a new reality was the Ebola virus disease outbreak in 2014. Ebola clearly demonstrated that when an epidemic is detected late, and the health systems are weak and unprepared, effective and timely control is difficult, leading to serious consequences on families, the community, the economy, the country’s national and even global security. A robust health system that is effective, inclusive and a well-coordinated multisectoral approach is essential to protect human and animal health, and also ensure national development goals are not adversely affected by public health threats.

The launch of the Plan took place in Dodoma, the Capital City of Tanzania on 8 September 2017. The occasion was presided over by the Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children. Also in attendance were Ministers of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Human Resources, Environment, Regional Administration and Local Government, Health (Zanzibar), Chairs of Parliamentary Committees, Members of Parliament, Permanent and Deputy Secretaries, the World Health Organization Representative in Tanzania and his team. Also present were a representative of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, UNAIDS Country Director, representatives of other UN agencies and development partners, the civil society organizations and a wide range of activists.

In his remarks at the launching ceremony, the World Health Organization Representative, Dr. Matthieu Kamwa highly commended the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania for its stewardship and leadership in achieving the historic milestone of launching the first costed National Action Plan for Health Security. He stressed, “There is no reliable security anywhere without health security. Diseases and ill health have destroyed more empires and countries and taken more lives than wars. The investments in health are not only the backbone of the social and economic development but also the best shield for our security.” He reiterated WHO’s commitment to continued technical support.

Taking the floor to officially launch the Plan, the Hon. Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of Health of Tanzania, stated that “The United Republic of Tanzania is committed to achieving all of the health security capacities, not only for Tanzania but to contribute towards global health security.” In highlighting this historic moment of the first ever costed NAPHS, she thanked the World Health Organization for its technical guidance and leadership in developing the Plan. She added that for the plan to succeed, “it will require the participation and support of all sectors, beyond health, and include donors, public and private partnerships.”

It should be recalled that the Tanzania National Action Plan for Health Security aims to ensure that a strong and resilient health system is in place, and to build core capacities in the human, animal, environment, and other key sectors; these are all essential for effective national health security.

To ensure the successful implementation of the plan, the Ministers, Chairs of different Parliamentary Committees, and the Members of Parliament, in their respective capacities and roles, pledged to provide support including domestic financing. The donor and technical agencies representatives also pledged to continue working closely with the government to ensure successful implementation.


Health partners present at the launching ceremony.jpg Hon. Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of Health of Tanzania (left) and the Permanent Secretary for Health, Dr. Mpoki Ulisubisya (right), delivering remarks during the launch ceremony.jpg Hon. Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of Health of Tanzania (left) and the Permanent Secretary for Health, Dr. Mpoki Ulisubisya (right), delivering remarks during the launch ceremony2.jpg Ministers, Chairs of different Parliamentary Committees and Members of Parliament who attended the launching ceremony

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