Tackling the common health challenges of African Small Island Developing States

Tackling the common health challenges of African Small Island Developing States

Brazzaville/ Victoria, Seychelles 25 September 2017 - Tackling the common health challenges faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the WHO African Region will be the focus of a three day high-level meeting in Victoria, Seychelles from 26-29 September 2017.

The Regional Director, Dr Moeti will address the three day event which is expected to be attended by Ministers of Health from Cape Verde, Comoros, Mauritius, São Tome and Principe and Seychelles, the UNAIDS Executive Director, Mr Michel Sidibe, representatives of UN agencies and development partners as well as high ranking officials of health ministries.

Among the issues to be discussed are new developments on common challenges related to health care, health financing and UHC, Child nutrition, Infant mortality, abuse of illicit drugs, prevention and treatment of diabetes, management of vector-borne diseases and heath disaster management. The meeting will also discuss ways of strengthening collaboration within SIDS in the Africa region including pool procurement.

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) share a number of features, such as limited land mass and population, a narrow range of available resources, dependence on international trade and vulnerability to global shocks. The population of the small islands States are also vulnerable to environmental degradation, climate change and natural disasters. The small islands developing States also experiences a high cost of living and are disproportionately affected by loss of skilled manpower to other countries.

In view of their unique and particular vulnerabilities, WHO organises this forum every two years which offers an opportunity for the SIDS to specifically address health related vulnerabilities, build resilience and sustainability. It is also a platform to exchange views and experiences and monitor the achievements made in health development agenda. This meeting in Seychelles is special as it marks 10 years since the SIDs network was established.

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