New WHO Representative officially assumes duty in Uganda

New WHO Representative officially assumes duty in Uganda

The new World Health Organization (WHO) Country Representative to Uganda, Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam has formally assumed duty on 23 January 2018 with the presentation of his Credentials to Uganda's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable Sam Kutesa. The presentation took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and was witnessed by dignitaries from MOFA and the WHO country office.

During the ceremony, the minister acknowledged the tremendous work by WHO in supporting the Ministry of Health and the Government of Uganda as a whole. He further commended Dr Yonas on the impressive experience depicted by his résumé, adding that “your experience and technical expertise will be crucial to WHO to support the country, and hence impact the health of all Ugandans."

In his remarks, Dr Yonas appreciated the warm welcome to Uganda, highlighting WHO's mandate to support all countries to attain the highest standards in Public Health. The WHO Representative further underscored the existence of the Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS), a WHO guiding document that is well aligned to the national priorities and allows WHO to support government’s efforts and development partners’ collaboration to improve the health Ugandans.

Dr Yonas is an Ethiopian national and holds a Doctorate degree in Medicine. He has over 30 years of experience in general medicine, disaster management, project development, donor relations at different technical and managerial levels. 

His international experience includes working with Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA) in Rwanda from 1994-1995, WHO Geneva from 1999-2005, WHO South East Asia Regional office from 2005-2009, WHO India from 2009-2011, as WHO Representative to D.P.R Korea from 2011-2013, and as WHO Representative to Thailand from 2013-2015.  Before his reassignment to Uganda, he served as Planning Officer at the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, in New Delhi, India from 2016-2018.

The WHO Representative is an accredited representative of the WHO Director-General and the Regional Director and is responsible for negotiations with the host country. The WR also oversees relationships and activities with the government and other partners, provides security for WHO personnel and facilitates functional common services arrangements with other UN agencies.

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