Ministry of Health and Social Services commits N$ 3.7 million to contain the Hepatitis E outbreak

Ministry of Health and Social Services commits N$ 3.7 million to contain the Hepatitis E outbreak

The Minister of Health and Social Services at a recent press briefing reiterated his ministry’s commitment to contain the Hepatitis E outbreak. 

To date, the total number of suspected and confirmed cases are 553 with 3 deaths. At the press briefing, the Minster of Health and Social Services, Dr Benhard Haufiku acknowledged the support from WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA as well as the in kind contribution of community volunteers from the Namibia Red Cross Society.  The City of Windhoek intention to provide short term and long term solutions to sanitation  in the informal settlements was applauded.  Environmental clean-up campaign with the community leaders and members under the ‘mayoral city clean-up campaign’ was seen to be a critical first step to reducing the risk of active transmission. 

Speaking at the same occasion, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Madam Kiki Gbeho commented the Ministry for its proactiveness and commitment to containing the outbreak.  She assured the Minister of the UN’s continued support.  She further echoed the UN contribution to the outbreak through WHO’s technical leadership and their persistent presence even throughout the Christmas break.  WHO provided the Ministry with technical support for planning, coordination and logistics, social mobilization, case management, surveillance and epidemiology.     In addition, Ms Gbeho acknowledged UNICEF’s support for the provision of 50,000 of water treatment tablets and 25,000 bars of soap.   UNICEF has also contributed to the development of IEC materials.  UNFPA pledge of USD 60,400 towards the response plan was acknowledged.  This will include dignity kits for expectant and lactating mothers as well as the development of communication materials.  

Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Country Representative stressed the importance of a multi-sectoral response and thanked the Ministry of Health for its leadership in getting relevant partners on board.    He  made reference to the critical work the municipality is doing in cleaning the environment with the involvement of regional councilors, community leaders and  members and encouraged them to continue with this when implementing the construction of sanitation facilities in the affected communities. 

The Minister, his Deputy and Permanent Secretary accompanied by Heads of Agencies from WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA and the media took a tour to the affected communities and Katutura State Hospital where all Hepatitis E cases were being treated,  immediately after the press briefing.

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Mrs Celia Kaunatjike

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