WCO Botswana undergoes Functional Review

WCO Botswana undergoes Functional Review

Gaborone, Botswana - 09 March 2018: As a key part of the Transformation Agenda of the WHO Regional Office for Africa, country offices are being assessed in relation to their ability to provide the type, quality and level of support in line with the needs and priorities of host countries. Botswana is among the current wave of countries to benefit from the review. A four member multi-disciplinary team has been in Botswana to carry out the review.
The team comprised of Dr Abdulmumini Usman, the WCOs Functional Review Project Manager who is the Team Lead, Mr Mohamed Kakay, WCOs Project Management Officer, Teresa Maloba, a Restructuring and Human Resources Officer as well as Sara Canna who is a Human Resources Specialist in Career management from WHO Headquarters. The participation of WHO HQ bridges a capacity gap but also epitomizes the one WHO concept and the current organization-wide reform thread. It provides coaching, counselling and guidance in areas such as career management, purpose and utility in the workplace, particularly in the context of change.

The team has had extensive, very open and cordial consultations and interactions with the Minister and Assistant Minister of Health and Wellness, Top management of Ministry of Finance and Economic Development which coordinates SDG implementation in Botswana, Senior management and programme managers of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, United Nations Country Team, Development partners, CSOs, WR and WCO staff. Common themes emerged from the consultations in terms of priorities and the transformation the country office may need to undergo to support the country and facilitate the work of development partners in support of government efforts.

The team will make recommendations with regard to the structure and make up of a fit for purpose WCO for approval. The review started on March 2nd and concluded with debriefing sessions with the WCO staff and senior management at the Ministry of Health and Wellness on March 9th 2018.

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