Uganda commemorates World Health Day 2018

Uganda commemorates World Health Day 2018

7 April 2018, Luweero:- Uganda commemorated World Health Day on 7th April 2018 at St Kizito Primary School, Makulubita Sub-county in Luwero district under the theme “Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere”. At the same function, WHO’s 70th anniversary was also marked with the Acting Director General of Health Dr Henry Mwebesa and WHO Representative Dr Yonas Woldemariam planting trees in recognition of that milestone.  

During the commemoration, the role of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in contributing to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in tackling poverty and in addressing inequities and poor access to health services were emphasized. Primary Health Care was acknowledged as a springboard for UHC as it facilitates easy access and participation of individuals, families and communities in the planning, supervision and delivery of health services. 

Dr Henry Mwebesa who represented the Minister of Health at the function emphasized the crucial role of UHC in achieving the SDGs noting that “achieving Universal Health Coverage provides a firm foundation for individuals to lead productive and fulfilling lives and for countries to have strong economies.” He pointed out that through UHC, individuals can be protected from paying exorbitant costs for health services which usually leads them to impoverishment and ill-health.

Dr Mwebesa singled out health promotion as an intervention that can significantly contribute to UHC because, in Uganda, 75% of the diseases affecting people are preventable. He, therefore, informed the audience about the Community Health Extension Workers strategy that is in advanced stages of planning for rollout. These workers will complement Village Health Teams in delivering health services and promoting good health behaviours and practices in the communities. 

Dr Mwebesa congratulated WHO on the 70th anniversary and applauded the organization’s contribution to Public Health in Uganda. He particularly pointed out disease outbreak response as an example in which WHO has made a tremendous contribution as was demonstrated during the recent Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in eastern Uganda last year. 

The WHO Country Representative in Uganda Dr Yonas Woldemariam informed the public that UHC requires political commitment; is a development agenda and is also a human rights issue. In that regard, he said, UHC and health for that matter, is a responsibility of everyone and all sectors. "If we work together, we can achieve health for everyone," he added.  

Dr Yonas called for efficient use of resources and for equity to ensure health services reach everyone. He emphasized the need to use local resources for UHC as demonstrated in a community-based health insurance scheme being implemented in some communities in Luwero district by a local NGO. “UHC is a challenge for everyone. We have to use Primary Health Care as a driver for UHC”, he concluded. 

There were performances, exhibitions, songs and dramas all highlighting the need and value for UHC. Health services such as HIV counselling and testing, immunization, screening for cervical cancer and other NCDS, malaria testing and treatment and education on nutrition and hygiene were also provided. 

Additionally, WHO and the Embassy of Belgium through Enable, a Belgian technical agency supported MoH to organise a public lecture with a focus on Results-Based Financing. A keynote presentation on UHC was made by WHO AFRO's Dr Propser Tumusiime who called on the government and partners to make health services affordable to the common man. "Attaining health services should not cause financial haradships on the population therefore we out to work out ways of co-financing," he said. 

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