18 Hospitals in Liberia take the lead to prevent sepsis in healthcare

18 Hospitals in Liberia take the lead to prevent sepsis in healthcare

A Professional Nurse at the JFK  Medical Center demonstrating proper hand hygiene during the WHHD in Monrovia Monrovia, 5th May 2018:  Highlighting the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare, the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) Quality Management Unit (QMU) commemorated World Hand Hygiene Day in 18 hospitals across the country in which 675 persons participated. 
Every year, the WHO sponsors World Hand Hygiene Day on 5th May to remind us that Clean Hands Count every day of the year and in more ways than we think. Effective hand hygiene plays a key role in infection prevention and control (IPC). When optimally performed, hand hygiene reduces healthcare-associated infections (HAI).
This year’s WHO global slogan “It’s in your hands – prevent sepsis in health care” clearly demonstrates the relationship between infection prevention and control practices, such as hand washing in prevention of sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs. If not recognized early and managed promptly, it can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure and death. It is a serious complication of infection, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.  Sepsis is estimated to affect more than 30 million patients every year worldwide and global rates of sepsis are thought to be growing rapidly.
“According to WHO country representative, Dr.Alex Gasasira, the country has made commendable progress towards improving IPC standards, guidance, and monitoring tools through healthcare workers capacity building.” WHO remains committed in supporting the MoH to ensure a sustained culture of IPC.
“Unless healthcare workers are willing to translate the IPC knowledge acquired into action, the country will not achieve the 80% hand hygiene global compliance. Concrete actions are required to ensure that healthcare workers and their patients are protected from infections which can lead to sepsis. ” Mr. Garrison K, National IPC Coordinator, MoH.
“On this Global Hand Hygiene Day, the focus for everyone should be on prevention of sepsis in healthcare by demonstrating good infection prevention control practices to reduce the spread of infections and save the lives of millions”. Without behavior change, sepsis will remain a major threat. This year’s active participation of 18 hospitals across the country demonstrates healthcare workers role in IPC and placed them as hand hygiene champions at the heart of national and local initiatives. ” WHO National IPC specialist, Mrs. Zainab S. Snoh
 Activities carried out during the celebration included:  parades, interactive radio talk shows, football matches and presentations made by Infection Prevention and Control Focal Persons in the 15 counties. 
The event was made possible through the technical and financial support of WHO, MOH and the Academic Consortium combating Ebola in Liberia (ACCEL).

For more information, please contact:
Mrs. Zainab Sirlief Snoh
Tel: + (231)777653442
Email: sirleafzainab2g14 [at] gmail.com


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