Cluster of presumptive Ebola cases in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Cluster of presumptive Ebola cases in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ebola outbreak in DRC ends: WHO calls for international efforts to stop other deadly outbreaks in the country

Ebola outbreak in DRC ends: WHO calls for international efforts to stop other deadly outbreaks in the country

Survivor Didier Ipete

After Ebola: a recent survivor starts to rebuild

Batwa Chief Ilinga Bopope Lopaka Lomba with his grandchildren and other family members

An inclusive response: reaching Batwa communities to combat Ebola

Bringing Ebola vaccine to remote communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Bringing Ebola vaccine to remote communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On the hunt for Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On the hunt for Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Returning home after surviving Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Returning home after surviving Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

La République centrafricaine se prépare pour barrer la route à Ebola | Photo: WHO/P. Lorgerie

The Central African Republic prepares for Ebola response

At one-month mark in Ebola outbreak, the focus shifts to remote areas

At one-month mark in Ebola outbreak, the focus shifts to remote areas

Ebola treatments approved for compassionate use in current outbreak

Ebola treatments approved for compassionate use in current outbreak