Dr Eugene Nyarko, (WR) speaking to reporters after the meeting

Malawi on track towards national roll out of cervical cancer prevention through HPV vaccination of young girls


Regional consultation on universal access to Sexual and Reproductive Health

Boy sits under insecticide-treated bed net in Wonchit kebele, Dera Woreda, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

Small Bite, Big Threat


Ebola – a test too far for one little girl

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day


Brazzaville Hosts 5th Inter-Agency Meeting on HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria

The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora, delivering welcome remarks at the meeting

The National Tuberculosis & Leprosy Programme external review begins in the United Republic of Tanzania

Regional Consultative Meeting on Oral Health and NCDs kicks off in Harare

Regional Consultative Meeting on Oral Health and NCDs kicks off in Harare


WHO urges action on hepatitis threat


A bigger killer than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined