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Zimbabwe successfully hosts RC 67

L'arrivée des ex-réfugiés à leur arrivée à Ruyigi en début d'après-midi

Rapatriement de burundais de la Tanzanie: un accueil chaleureux

Dr Riek Gai Kok, the Honorable Minister of Health is ready to take Ivermectin tablets administered by WHO NTD Program manager at the Freedom Square Ground in Tonj State. Photo WHO.

South Sudan launches the Expanded Special Project for Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ESPEN)

Mobile health team sensitizing   family members on cholera prevention methods. Photocredit: WHO/CE.Onuekwe

WHO Intensifies Efforts to Contain Cholera Outbreak in Borno State

Mr Evans Liyosi, WHO South Sudan Representative a.i. addressing the community on the Cash Reward programme for reporting of Guinea Worm Disease in Tonj State. Photo WHO.

WHO and the Carter Center supports the cash reward programme for reporting of Guinea Worm Disease in Tonj State, South Sudan

 Submerged houses in Achusa settlement of Makurdi

WHO deploys Polio personnel to forestall disease outbreaks in Benue state communities affected by floods.

The WHO rapid response team training frontline health workers on malaria diagnosis and treatment. Photo WHO.

South Sudan’s malaria toll highlights disease burden in war-torn nation