Featured news

Protecting devotion from cholera in pilgrimage sites in Ethiopia

Protecting the devoted from cholera in pilgrimage sites in Ethiopia

António Bélio, Nutrition Supervisor, DPS in Sofala

António Bélio, Nutrition Supervisor, DPS in Sofala

Searching for polio in unusual places in Tanzania

Searching for polio in unusual places in Tanzania

Health leaders see urgency of better coordination among partners for delivering universal health coverage in Africa

Health leaders see urgency of better coordination among partners for delivering universal health coverage in Africa

Opening ceremony, Dr J M Dangou, NCDs_AFRO(left), Dr G Ndayisaba, D M NCDs_MoH, Dr W. Maina, Tob_AFRO(right) (2)

The WHO Africa Gates Tobacco Control Project Review Meeting kicked off in Kigali

WHO and Africa CDC agree on joint actions to improve health security in Africa

WHO and Africa CDC agree on joint actions to improve health security in Africa

The Acting Director General of Health Services Dr Henry Mwebesa, Hon Alok Shama getting an explanation about the temperature scanners from health workers.

UK Minister Impressed by Ebola Work done in Uganda

The Honourable Minister of International Affairs and Cooperation, Dr Unity Dow (right), receiving the credentials of the WHO Representative to Botswana, Dr Josephine Namboze (left)

Dr Josephine Namboze, the new WR to Botswana, presents her Credentials to the Honourable Minister of International Affairs and Cooperation