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Community vaccinantion against Ebola Virus Disease in Kirombe Village, Kasese District

Uganda tackles Ebola outbreak through several response Activities

EVD thermo check Rubavu border

Minister of Health of Rwanda reminds to strengthen measures to prevent the spread of Ebola to Rwanda

Field work for site selection and demonstration in Benue State

World Environment Day – Nigeria intensifies environmental surveillance activities for Polio 

Group Photograph at the World Blood Donor Day, Media press briefing

WHO and Federal partners call on all fit and well-meaning Nigerians to come forth to donate blood 

Group picture of participants

WHO Ethiopia conducts the first sub-national Health Cluster Coordination training

Administering seasonal malaria chemoprevention treatment in Borno State in 2018

Promising results from malaria-prevention medication among children in Borno State, Nigeria

New WHO scorecard shows poor progress of the viral hepatitis response in the African region

New WHO scorecard shows poor progress of the viral hepatitis response in the African region