Featured news

WHO personnel raising awareness on proper hygiene and prevention against cholera

WHO scales up response as Borno declares another outbreak of cholera

One of the training sessions

Improving Leadership and Management capacity of health authorities at the district level

Minister of Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng vaccinates a member of the community at the launch

Uganda targets over 1,600,000 persons for Cholera vaccination campaign

Adolescent focus group participants in Biogbolo, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

The invisible boys and girls: Understanding barriers to accessing healthcare among disadvantaged Nigerian youth

Dr Aaron Motsoaledi (Minister of Health), Ms Aneliswa Cele (Chief director, Environmental Health), Dr Brian Chirombo (OIC, WHO), Dr Kerrigan McCarthy (IMT Lead, NICD),  Ms Precious Matsoso (DG, Health)

WHO congratulates South Africa on the end of the world’s largest listeriosis outbreak

Ms Segotso (UNFPA Assistant Representative – top left) and Dr Ovberedjo (WHO Representative – top right in blue jacket) hosting the combined consultants’ courtesy call

Botswana takes bold steps towards achieving SDG targets and outcomes of the UN SG’s Global Strategy on Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health

Dr Aaron Motsoaledi (Minister of Health), Ms Aneliswa Cele (Chief director, Environmental Health), Dr Brian Chirombo (OIC, WHO), Dr Kerrigan McCarthy (IMT Lead, NICD),  Ms Precious Matsoso (DG, Health)

WHO congratulates South Africa on the end of the world’s largest listeriosis outbreak

Seychelles Strategic Partnership Framework

UN and Seychelles signs Strategic Partnership Framework for better coordination in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals