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WHO and partners in a review meeting on the cholera response activities in Mubi North and Mubi South, Adamawa state. Photo: WHO/A.Apagu

WHO deploys personnel to rapidly control cholera outbreak in Adamawa state

Global HEARTS’ Manual Adoption workshop participants

Global HEARTS’ Manual Adoption workshop held in Ethiopia

Community Health Champion bonding with caregiver for delivery of lifesaving messages at Cuton House IDPs camp in Borno_Photocredit_WHO-CE.Onuekwe

Borno targets 1 million internally displaced persons with house-to-house lifesaving messages 

Launching of MCH Week, Minister of Health, Dr Diane Gashumba administering a deworming tablet to a child

The Mother and Child Health Week integrated with World malaria Day in Rwanda

WHO and World Bank Group join forces to strengthen global health security

WHO and World Bank Group join forces to strengthen global health security

With another Ebola Containment Effort Underway, New Report Tracks Progress Made by the WHO in the African Region in its Transformation Agenda

With another Ebola containment effort underway, new report tracks progress made by the WHO in the African Region in its Transformation Agenda

WHO Launches Business Case for Immunization in Africa at the World Health Assembly

WHO Launches Business Case for Immunization in Africa at the World Health Assembly

WHO  1 billion more people with health coverage, 1 billion more people made safer, 1 billion lives improved

World Health Assembly delegates agree new five-year strategic plan