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Representative of Nigeria’s Minister of Health Dr Osagie Ehanire supported by the EU Ambassador to Nigeria Mr Ketil Karlsen and NPHCDA ED to commission EU Immunisation Works and Supplies project.

Routine immunization in Nigeria gets a bolster from the European Union

Rencontre ce jeudi à l'Immeuble du Gouvernement entre le Ministre Santé Publique et la délégation conjointe inter institutions sur le VIH et la TUB en visite en RDC. OMS/Eugene Kabambi

Le Ministre de la Santé Publique a reçu à Kinshasa la délégation conjointe inter-institutions sur le VIH et la Tuberculose.

A child being vaccinated against polio in Freetown on day one of the four days campaign

Nationwide house-house polio supplementary immunization campaign starts in Sierra Leone

The burial team getting ready for transportation and burial of the second Marburg confirmed case in Kween district, eastern Uganda

Rumours, Misinformation and Negative Beliefs underpin the Current Marburg Outbreak in Uganda

WHO and ITU to use digital technology to strengthen public health services in Africa

WHO and ITU to use digital technology to strengthen public health services in Africa

State MoH Director General administering polio vaccine

South Sudan boosts Polio immunization coverage on the World Polio Day to keep the disease at bay

WHO team providing malaria testing and treatment services

United Nations Day: WHO South Sudan offers essential promotive health services in commemoration of UN’s 72nd Anniversary

The Minister of Health, Dr Diane Gashumba, providing Measles and Rubella Vaccine

Rwanda conducted a national vaccination campaign on Measles and Rubella integrated in Mother and Child Health Week