Featured news

Peer learning WCO Staff, Mr. Maximillian Mapunda and Mr. Yusuph Mwemtsi, cascading training on Results Based Management to colleagues

WCO Tanzania takes the Transformation Agenda forwards

Ms Marina Adrianopoli, Technical Officer for Nutrition, monitoring the utilization of the WHO SAM kits at the IMC clinic in Juba POC

WHO provides lifesaving treatment for severely malnourished children with medical complication in South Sudan

01	Group picture of participants of the “Regional Expert Meeting on Medicine Regulatory Harmonization Initiative”

The Regional Expert Meeting on Medicine Regulatory Harmonization Initiative is being convened by IGAD

Dr Kamwa reviewing Chumbuni CTC patient records with the CTC staff

The World Health Organization boosts health support for Zanzibar

Dignitaries at the ceremony with Prof. JM Dangou in the middle flanked by the US Ambassador (l) and Hon. Minister for Health and Social Welfare (r)

Progress towards Malaria Elimination in The Gambia

Youth promoting HIV testing

The HIV Self-Testing Africa (STAR) project in Zambia shows potential for increasing uptake and coverage of HIV testing

WHO surge team holds daily morning meetings

WHO’s support to the response of the acute watery diarrhoea outbreak in Ethiopia’s Somali Region

Prof. JM Dangou presenting award to Hon. Minister for Finance & Economic Affairs

Gambia launches National Tobacco Control Act 2016 whilst WHO honours national tobacco control champions for 2017