Featured news

Dr Eugene Nyarko, WR Malawi shaking hands with the Minister of Health, Honorable Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP

Malawi launches the National Health Communication strategy

Dr. Humphrey Karamai, WLO ai addressing the participants

Speech of the WHO Liaison Officer Dr. Humphrey Karamagi during the opening of the Person-Centred Care Symposium

Closing Statement by the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr Bernard Valentin, at the end of the 2-day Seminar

Minister of Health Mitcy Larue making her opening address

Opening remark, Minister of Health Mitcy Larue at the Person-Centred Care Symposium


The World Health Organization donates motorbikes and computers to support nutrition improvement in six districts

Standing left is WR Malawi Dr Eugene Nyarko handing over cervical cancer equipment and newborn and maternal health commodities at the MOH conference room and Dr Charles Mwansambo received the donation

WHO supports Malawi with cervical cancer and newborn and maternal health supplies worth USD62000

World Health Organization (WHO) scales up emergency health and nutrition response to meet increasing needs of families affected by crisis in South Sudan