Featured news

Director of Health Quality Assuarance encouraging use of the Cholera treatment wall charts in the CTCs for correct management of patients

WHO Representative gears up to tackle Cholera in the Lake zone Regions

Community drug distributors and WHO staff with poles they use to measure the height of participants during a mass drug administration. Height is used to determine the proper treatment dosage for participants. e.g. an individual who is above 158 cm, which has the number 4, would receive four doses of ivermectin

WHO and Ministry of Health conduct mass drug administration against river blindness in South Sudan

A group photo of participants at the workshop

Gambia initiates an all hazard health sector preparedness and response plan

WHO Country Office group photo

Rwanda WHO Country Office staff urged to embrace change and become an even more effective team

The Minster of Health, the Governor of the States, the WHO Representative, the Head of Cooperation in the Embassy of Canada and the Undersecretary breaking the ground in Awiel

WHO with funding from the Government of Canada to build maternity complexes in Torit, Kuajok and Awiel

A South Sudanese boy examins a cloth filter The Carter Center

Former President Jimmy Carter to address British parliament on dracunculiasis eradication

A team from WHO meet with senior staff of Jirapa hospital in Upper West Region during a mission to assess the status of meningitis preparedness and response activities

WHO supports the Ministry of Health Ghana in response to meningitis outbreak