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Malaria Strategic Plan 2012-2018: Mid-term Review

Training participants

Training on the orientation on National Adherence Strategy on Chronic Diseases (HIV, TB & NCDs), North West Province, 19-21 August 2015

Participants at the Midterm review meeting of INSPIRE project

Promising results from INSPIRE Project, a Midterm Review Findings reveal

A Medical Male Circumcision being performed

Training medical doctors on Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) to strengthen NHI districts in South Africa

Policy review: Initiatives to reduce malpractice in obstetrics

Polio Champion David Otieno speaks during the launch. Migori County health director Dr Joel Gondi is beside him

Kenya launches Polio Round Two in Migori County

Child sleeping under a mosquito net

World Malaria Day 2015