Featured news

Children calling for action via the #SaveKidsLives signboard

Save Kids’ Lives – Third UN Global Road Safety Week Commemorated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 7-11 May 2015


Uganda Commemorates World Malaria Day 2015

Campaign banner

Zimbabweans urged to make food safety everybody’s business

A cross section of participants at the Media Roundtable

WHO Representative urges Nigeria to consider immunization funding options that do not over-burden the poor.

Camels are used to reach remote communities with immunization

World Immunization Week observed in Ethiopia

A woman taking a swig of the Oral Cholera Vaccine in Nsanje

84% of flood victims living in camps and people from surrounding villages immunized against Cholera in Nsanje - Malawi

Ethiopia has halved the number of people without access to safe water since 1990.

Ethiopia meets MDG target on safe water supply