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Uganda hosts African regional meeting on nutrition

abinet secretary James Macharia - WR Dr Custodia Mandlhate 3rd left - ministers Dr Sabine Ntakarutimana Burundi - Ugandan minister Sarah Opendi as WHO director Dr Tigest Ketsela cheers on

Global ALL IN campaign fights rising HIV infections and deaths among adolescents

The Guest of Honor in a group photo with representatives from GAVI, Bill & Melinda Gates, WHO, UNICEF and PATH.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine stakeholders’ meeting kicks off in United Republic of Tanzania

Sherrie Bangura, an Ebola survivor and founder of "Rescue team", a network of more than 90 Ebola survivors in Port Loko district, Sierra Leone WHO/P. Desloovere

Sierra Leone's Rescue Team: Ebola survivors supporting each other

Cabinet Secretary James Macharia meets with the HOA-TAG chairman Dr Jean-Marc Olive’ during the meeting.

Polio outbreak increasingly under control in the Horn of Africa

A pledge of commitment for a polio-free Ethiopia

Drop by drop closer to polio-free Ethiopia