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Some of the participants at the NDoH/WCO/US CDC Risk Communication Workshop held 4-6 September, in Pretoria, South Africa

70 Health Workers Complete Risk Communication Training

Cholera Situation in Sierra Leone, 6 September 2012


Gambia observes African Traditional Medicines Day (TRM) 2012

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 5 September, 2012

UN Agencies warn that cholera epidemic is spreading in West Africa

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 4 September, 2012

The Permanent Secretary Mr. Mark Bor CBS 6th from left poses for a photograph with the Director of KEMRI Dr S. Mpoke 5th from left, WHO OIC Dr R. Mpazanje, facilitators

Launch of the first Regional Course on Programmatic Management of TB, Tb/HIV and Drug Resistant TB at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 3 September, 2012