Dr Sambo Proposes Measures for the African Region to Move from Malaria Control to Elimination
Kigali, 1 September 2009 -- The WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo, has proposed a nine-point guide on how countries in the African Region should accelerate implementation of malaria control interventions with a view to achieving eventual elimination of the disease.
The guide is contained in a report he presented on Tuesday to the 59th session of the WHO Regional Committee for African taking place in Kigali, Rwanda.
The measures outlined by Dr Sambo in the guide include the strengthening of national malaria control programmes; strengthening procurement and supply management systems for the supply of quality antimalarial commodities, and the acceleration of delivery of key interventions for universal coverage and impact.
Other measures contained in his report are the updating of malaria policies and strategic plans; the consolidation of malaria control gains in high endemic countries; strengthening malaria research, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, and moving from control to pre-elimination and elimination stages when appropriate.
"A rapid decline in malaria burden is possible when a comprehensive package of malaria prevention and control is implemented in the same geographic area at the same time as has been shown in Botswana, Eritrea, Sao Tome, and Principe, South Africa and Swaziland," Dr Sambo said.
Globally, Africa carries the heaviest burden of malaria, accounting for 86% of the 247 million malaria episodes, and 91% of all outpatient clinical attendances and between 20% and 45% of all hospital admissions.
For more information, please contact :
Dr Georges Ki-Zerbo, E-mail: kizerbog [at] afro.who.int Tel:+47 241 39295
Media contact: Samuel Ajibola; Email: ajibolas [at] afro.who.int Tel: +47 241 39378