International Conference on HIV/AIDS kicks off in Addis Ababa

International Conference on HIV/AIDS kicks off in Addis Ababa

ICASA2011-Ethiopia-1Addis Ababa, 4 December 2011 -- The 16th International Conference on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA) got underway in Addis Ababa on Sunday with political and health leaders calling on governments to invest more in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa.

Speaking at the official opening of the conference, Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi urged delegates to participate fully in the five-day conference and share experiences that can contribute to bring an end to the epidemic in Africa.

He also hoped that the conference would be an opportunity for African countries to develop innovative and sustainable strategies for mobilizing human, intellectual and material resources with a view to sustaining the response to HIV/AIDS

"We must urgently devise African-led innovations to defeat AIDS", the Ethiopian leader said.

In his remarks, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Mr. Michel Sidibe, said Africa had made unprecedented progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS, noting that more than five million Africans now have access to antiretroviral therapy, compared to about 50,000 about ten years ago.

He however, expressed fears about dwindling resources to face up to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and underlined the need to continue investing in areas where good results were being produced.

"To scale up and sustain the progress made, we must create a new framework for Africa based on country ownership, share responsibility and social justice", he said.

The opening session of the conference was also addressed by former United States President George W. Bush who said that it was important for his country to remain committed to effective health programmes in the developing world.

President Bush said: "In moments of economic crisis there can be a temptation for Americans to disengage from the world. But we cannot retreat. We cannot falter when we are needed most. There is no greater priority than saving human lives."

The conference taking place under the theme "Own, Scale-up and Sustain" is being attended by more than 7000 delegates from across the globe including health professionals, policy makers, scientists, activists and people living with HIV/AIDS. WHO is being represented at the conference by a strong delegation comprising staff members from headquarters; the Regional Office for Africa and Country Offices.

For further information, please:

Technical contact:

Emil Asamoah-Odei, Programme Manager a.i., Regional HIV/AIDS Programme;

Tel: +47 241 39277;

E-mail: asamoahodeie [at]

Media contact:

Tel: +47 241 39378;

E-mail: ajibolas [at]