Regional Director for WHO African Region urged to Member States in the Region to urgently ensure that their national plans include laboratory components for both human and animal aspects.
Regional Director for WHO African Region urged to Member States in the Region to urgently ensure that their national plans include laboratory components for both human and animal aspects.
Brazzaville, 13 January 2006 -- At the closing ceremony of the First Meeting organized on pandemic influenza on 12-13 January 2006, in Brazzaville, the Regional Director for WHO African Region, emphasized the gains achieved during the meeting, which were critical for the successful to control of not only influenza but also to adequate response to other epidemic and priority diseases in African Region. In addition he recognized that the meeting has provided a foundation for countries to develop and finalize their plans.
Dr Luis Gomes Sambo noted that all the objectives set out at the beginning of the meeting have been achieved despite the limited time. He expressed his satisfaction to all the participants for their rich contributions and hard work. As result, a draft regional plan for preparedness and response to Avian Influenza is now available. This important document will be shared with the partners.
As the involvement of the International partners is critical, the Regional Director called upon all of them to continue to intensify their support in order to ensure that all the sub regions, countries and districts were well prepared to face the threat of pandemic.
Dr Luis Gomes Sambo in his speech emphasized the importance of laboratory services at country and regional level. He provided key orientations, as follow:
• The Regional Office to continue to developing regional laboratory network for Avian Influenza, with full responsibility for each participating laboratory.
• Appropriate communication established and maintained with the countries to ensure that the collection procedures were well known as well as the location of competent laboratories where specimens can be sent for confirmation of Avian Influenza.
• Collaboration between public health and veterinary laboratories in order to increase synergy in the laboratory based surveillance for Avian Flu.
The Regional Director for WHO African Region recognized the continued support that WHO-AFRO receive form her partners and he reassured both partners and Members States that WHO is fully committed to working closely with them for better preparedness and response to Avian Influenza.
Dr Sambo requested delegates to convey the recommendations of this meeting to the Ministers of Health and Animal Services and all the partners in the respective countries in order to create full awareness on the threat of Pandemic Influenza.
This important meeting was organized by WHO-AFRO in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Organization of Animal Health (OIE), the African Union (AU), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), and United States Aid For International Development (USAID).