WHO/AFRO plans to designate 2006 as “Year of Accelerated Prevention of HIV in Africa”.

WHO/AFRO plans to designate 2006 as “Year of Accelerated Prevention of HIV in Africa”.

Brazzaville, 16 June 2005 -- The WHO Regional Office for Africa plans to designate 2006 as the “Year of Accelerated Prevention of HIV in Africa”.

This indication was given by the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo, at the just-concluded WHO-organized Consultation on HIV Prevention in THE region which took place in Brazzaville, the Congolese capital.

Dr Sambo stated that the initiative was being taken “in order to generate momentum to address HIV with the requisite urgency and focus”. He also said that he would immediately consult with Member States and relevant partners on this initiative, and request countries to designate a specific day, in 2006, to focus on HIV prevention..

The Regional Director added: “I firmly believe that the needed momentum will come from communities creating an enabling environment which individuals need to adopt safer lifestyles. Dialogue and action at community level must therefore be at the centre of all actions to accelerate HIV prevention.”

He re-iterated WHO’s commitment to intensifying support for the HIV prevention agenda in countries in the region; mobilizing regional and national leaderships for more focused action; advocating for more active involvement of other stakeholders, and providing technical support to Member States especially through the strengthening of their health systems.

For further information: 

Technical contact:   Media contact:

Dr M. Moeti 

Tel: + 47 241 38052 

Email: moetim [at] afro.who.int  


Samuel T. Ajibola

Tél: + 47 241 39378

Email : ajibolas [at] afro.who.int