Nigeria Equips Primary Health Care Centres With GeneXpert Machines To Accelerate TB Case Finding

Nigeria Equips Primary Health Care Centres With GeneXpert Machines To Accelerate TB Case Finding

Abuja, 24 March 2017 - In keeping with the 2017 World Tuberculosis (TB) Day slogan of ‘Accelerating TB Case Finding and Treatment’, Nigeria is scaling up availability of GeneXpert machines country-wide in order to start reversing the country’s unflattering position of having highest burden of TB in Africa.

Launching the machine at Kuchingoro Model Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) today in Abuja to commemorate the 2017 event with the theme of “Uniting to End TB”; the Honourable Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole noted that government would leave no stone unturned in finding and treating all cases of TB.

He highlighted that 5 in every 6 TB cases are currently not being diagnosed and appealed to all present and the community at large, for a concerted partnership in creating awareness on  the need to find all those who cough for more than two weeks, with or without blood, for free TB diagnosis and treatment at nearest PHCs like Kuchingoro. According to him, citing the GeneXpert machine in a PHC where the masses can have easy equitable access falls squarely in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In a goodwill message on the occasion, the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Representative (WR), Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu Dr commended the Honourable Ministers for singling out TB for particular national focus in 2017 and beyond in line with 2025, African Region End TB strategy targets of reduce TB deaths by 75% and new TB cases by 50% agreed in 2014.

Furthermore, Dr Alemu noted that for Nigeria to attain set targets, government and partners need to intensify efforts to reach, treat and cure everyone with TB. According to him, vulnerable populations, especially the poorest, who are disproportionately affected by TB, need special attention, along with underserved areas that lack access to basic health services.

Therefore, the WR pledged that WHO will continue to position self and support the ministry towards establishing more TB DOTS treatment and diagnostic centers; in helping to make molecular diagnostic technology available and functional in all local government areas; and in helping to harness other incoming innovations such as digital X-rays.

Other goodwill messages from the global Stop TB Partnership where given by  representatives of the US Government, Management Sciences for Health, Association for Reproductive and Family  Health,  Agbami partners, Clinton Health Access Initiative and TB Network among others.


For more information, please contact:

Technical contacts:

Dr Rex Mpazanje; Tel: +234 803 638 9632; Email:  mpazanjer [at]" target="_blank">  mpazanjer [at]
Dr Ayodele Awe; Tel: +234 803 525 0215; Email:  awea [at]" target="_blank">  awea [at]
Media contact: Ms  Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email:warigonc [at]" target="_blank"> warigonc [at] Below:


01 L-R Minister of Health, Minister of State for Health and WR at 2017 World TB Day commemoration in Abuja

02 Dr Alemu delivering a goodwill message at 2017 World TB Day event.

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