Country Representative consolidates on polio eradication gains, meets stakeholders

Country Representative consolidates on polio eradication gains, meets stakeholders

Kaduna, 29 September 2015 - With Nigeria at a defining moment of polio eradication, the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Representative (WR), Dr Rui Gama Vaz has embarked on townhall meetings with major stakeholders to consolidate on gains recorded.

On the first leg of these planned dialogues, the WR met with media practitioners under the aegis of Journalists’ Against Polio (JAP), members of the Nigeria Union Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) youth leaders and heads of nomadic populations and lauded their unparalleled contributions  towards the milestone recently attained by Nigeria which led to its removal from the list of polio endemic countries.

Addressing more than 60 stakeholders at the conference hall of the polio Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Kaduna on 28 September, 2015, the WR commended the government at all levels, the state EOC and development partners for the remarkable feat. He acknowledged the stakeholders, especially those working at the local government area (LGA), ward and settlements levels for their courage, perseverance and dedication in the discharge of their duties.

Notwithstanding, Dr Vaz made an impassioned call for improving routine immunization and  was emphatic on the need for more commitment in terms of timely release of counterpart funding and sustenance of political oversight functions.

The WR also stressed the need for more community mobilization and awareness creation for parents to avail their children of the opportunity to access immunization services. Furthermore, Dr Vaz stated that “the onus is on the Kaduna team and stakeholders to raise the bar towards 2017, when Nigeria is expected to attain certification status, by churning out more innovations”.

On his part, the Incidence Manager, Kaduna state EOC Dr Victor Gugon, who also moderated proceedings at the meeting, recalled some of the innovations spearheaded by WHO that originated from Kaduna state such as the directly observed polio vaccination (DOPV), health camp strategy, youth, FRSC and NURTW engagement, “ardo intervention” for nomadic populations and market Immunization among others.

Responding on behalf of other stakeholders, Malam Abdullahi Edicha, the youth leader commended the WR for the encouragement and parley with them.  He indicated that “this meeting with the WR is a great morale-booster and opportunity for both the state team and the stakeholders”. He assured Dr Vaz that they will redouble their efforts to ensure polio eradication.

Government dignitaries and GPEI partners in the state from UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary International, CDC-Nstop, and Core group attended the meeting.


For more information, please contact:

Technical contacts:

Dr Fiona Braka; Tel: +234 703 170 5252; Email:  brakaf [at]
Dr Audu Idowu; Tel: +234 803 700 5376; Email:  musaau [at]
Media contact:

Ms Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email:  warigonc [at]

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