Government says WHO remains instrumental to achieving milestones as administrative review meeting opens in Kaduna.

Government says WHO remains instrumental to achieving milestones as administrative review meeting opens in Kaduna.

Kaduna, Nigeria  29 September, 2015 - The Kaduna State government in North West Nigeria has disclosed that the series of productive consultations and technical support received from the World Health Organization (WHO) remain  the basis for improving access to basic health care, including strengthening health systems and achievement of milestones in the country.

The acknowledgement was contained in a speech delivered by the Kaduna State Commissioner for Health, Professor Andrew Jonathan Nok at the opening ceremony of a 3-day WHO administrative review  meeting in Kaduna on 28 September 2015. “It is a rare opportunity to extend gratitude to you today; a critical time for the global polio eradication effort and especially for our country, for the removal from the list of polio endemic countries”, Professor Nok stated.

The Commissioner, who further recognized the instrumental role that the Organization plays in the promotion of efficient health care in the state, added that “I have no doubt that the short, medium and long-term outputs of your deliberations will impact positively as always on the health and well-being of Nigerians”, he observed.

The administrative review meeting which is expected to deliberate on issues bordering on procurement processes, integration of key performance indicators, will also appraise the execution of previous recommendations and impact on country office work plan implementation and share best practices. 

In his remarks, the WHO Country Representative (WR) Dr Rui Gama Vaz noted the invaluable support rendered by the administrative staff in championing the cause of the Organization in Nigeria. He encouraged them to foster the goals of the accountability framework and always interact with technical and national counterparts to further achieve results and remove bottlenecks in the discharge of their duties for the overall achievement of the regional transformation agenda. 

The WR was however clear in his opening remarks as he reminded the participants that his leadership has “zero tolerance for fraud, harassment and mismanagement of WHO resources”.

Participants at the review meeting will also discuss the direct disbursement mechanism, programme management, outcome of the key dashboard indicators, pilot of the mobile money implementation and recommendations for management decision.

The biannual administrative meeting which is expected to end on 30 September 2015 has in attendance; the Immunization, Vaccines and Emergencies cluster coordinator, six zonal coordinators, administrative assistants from the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory  as well as logistics and data assistants from Kaduna and Kano states.


For more information, please contact:

Mr Kofi Agblewonu; Tel: +234 820 221 0094; Email:  agblewonuk [at]
Mr Ibrahim Abdullahi Al-Asi; Tel: +234 803 402 2390; Email:  ibrahimabd [at]
Media contact:

Ms Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email:  warigonc [at]

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