Ministry of Health Strengthens County Capacity to Implement Integrated and People-centered Health Services

Ministry of Health Strengthens County Capacity to Implement Integrated and People-centered Health Services

Monrovia, 20 May 2016 - The Ministry of Health Liberia with support from the World Health Organization, Development and Implementing Partners initiated a comprehensive training program for its County Health Teams and Health facility Managers as part of the health system strengthening plan. This is aimed at building the capacity at county level to implement integrated and people-centered operational plans for better health care service delivery.

The capacity building sessions (18 April to 10 May 2016), was successfully completed covering the fifteen County Health and Hospital Managers in three sites each involving five counties. Over 100 participants who included County Health Officers (CHOs), Community Health Department Directors (CHDDs), County Health Service Administrators (CHSAs), Accountants, Human Resource Managers and hospital managers attended.

Dr Francis Kateh, Deputy Minister of Health Services and Chief Medical Officer, in his remarks during these sessions stressed that this capacity building and refresher training is an approach to help health managers understand and identify inherent and operational challenges, undertake problem diagnosis, develop, implement and monitor their operational plans. He urged county health teams to see themselves as servants of the people and work acidulously to improve health care services within their counties.

Dr. Mesfin Zbelo, Health Systems Specialist, WHO Liberia said “WHO is supporting the MOH’s initiative of strengthening the capacity of county and district health teams so that they are able to perform better their duties and responsibilities with efficiency”.

The training involved a range of learning and knowledge sharing methodologies.  These included interactive sessions, plenary presentations, group work e.t.c. The discussions centered around the national health policy, strategic plans, and implementation challenges being experienced by county health teams and reached consensus on recommended solutions and follow up actions.  These sessions offered time for more interaction and dialogue between the County health teams, Ministry of health officials and partners.  Issues discussed during the three day’s agenda included planning, budgeting, resource management and procurement, financial management, monitoring and reviews. 


For more information please contact:

Dr Mesfin Zbelo Gebrekidan, Email:  mesfing [at]" target="_blank"> mesfing [at] who.intt

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