WHO health worker killed in an attack on passenger vehicle in Juba County, former Central Equatoria State, South Sudan

WHO health worker killed in an attack on passenger vehicle in Juba County, former Central Equatoria State, South Sudan

Juba, 21 December 2016 – An armed man attacked a passenger vehicle on a main road outside Juba, on Tuesday, 21 December 2016, killing Mr James Leke Kuji, a World Health Organization (WHO) health worker on the spot.

The mid-morning attack occurred in the former Juba County along Rajaf – Lobonok road as the health worker was returning from the office.  The exact circumstances of the attack remain unclear, but United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) is investigating the case.  Since July 2016, violent attacks in South Sudan claimed the lives of two health workers as WHO ramps up its engagement in humanitarian work.

Mr Kuji worked for WHO as a field assistant since 2008. He was responsible for ensuring effective polio surveillance, planning and conducting immunization activities. His loss means that WHO will no longer be able to work with partners within the payam (a county sub-division), as well as liaising with community informants not only for polio activities but also issues related to health emergencies, until another person is hired. Mr Kuji was also a father of five children. 
Despite the South Sudanese crisis, which erupted in December 2013, the Greater Equatoria region remained peaceful until recently.

These types of incidents directly impact the ability of humanitarian workers to provide much-needed, lifesaving health services in South Sudan where over 1.6 million people are displaced by conflict.

“WHO is deeply shocked by and strongly condemns the fatal attack on our health workers. Health services are a pivotal part of all humanitarian work, and we cannot afford to have one more health care worker killed,” said Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO Representative to South Sudan. “His tragic death is a terrible loss for his family, for WHO, and for his country.”

The WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti expressed her sorrow to the sad, tragic news while extending condolences to Mr. Kuji’s family and the entire WHO country team. She called for the attacker to be apprehended and brought to justice.


For more information please contact:

Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO South Sudan Country Representative, +211953333842,  abdulmuminiu [at] who.int 
Mr Sylvain Paul Denarie, +211-955726127, denaries [at] who.int
Mr Rhoderick Maniego, +211954936240, maniegor [at] who.int