WHO Regional Director addresses academics on Primary Health care
Yaoundé, 4 September 2008 -- The WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr Luis Gomes Sambo has called for the need to strengthen health systems based on the Primary health Care (PHC) approach.
Speaking at a gathering of academics and students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Yaoundé One, Cameroon, Dr Sambo highlighted the key principles of primary health care and mentioned some of the factors that slowed down its implementation in the African region.
The Regional Director pointed out that the current health challenges facing the region require the revitalisation of national health systems, intersectoral collaboration and community involvement. He highlighted WHO key strategies in supporting Member states to meet the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
He however emphasized the interconnectedness of the eight MDGs in broader and complex process of social and economic development. He singled out the specific role of the health sector in providing preventive, curative, promotion and rehabilitative care at the different levels of national health services with particular emphasis on community-directed interventions.
Dr Sambo emphasized that the Alma Ata Declaration on PHC was a turning point from the biomedical perspective of health systems to a social view encompassing all health determinants. He mentioned the need for incorporating in health services, the views and contributions of other professionals such as economists, social scientists, managers, lawyers, engineers, environmentalists with the aim of addressing all public health risks.
‘Though some progress has been made in improving health coverage and health status of people; governments, communities and partners should have to collectively address prevailing and new health challenges’’, he said.
He recognised the fundamental role of universities and other health training and research institutions in preparing the future generation of health professionals.
For further information:
Collins Boakye-Agyemang
Tel : +47 241 39420
E-mail : boakyec [at] afro.who.int