Featured news

Group photograph of particpants at the Validation meeting

Liberia Reinforces Health Promotion Post-Ebola

A community health worker, Frida Kabwango, diagnoses and treats 3 year old James Mabvuto for malaria at Matapila Village Clinic in Ntcheu District, Malawi. WHO / A. Gumulira

Bringing child health services closer to rural communities in Malawi

CAPSCA Chief, Mr. Michiel Vreedenburg and Mrs. Auber

The World Health Organisation participates in the assistance visit for the collaborative arrangement for the prevention and management of public health events in civil aviation (CAPSCA) to the Gambia


Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV & AIDS launched in the central region

A Banner on WNTD displayed

Gambia commemorates World No Tobacco Day 2015: Combatting the illegal tobacco trade

Participants of World Polio Day Commemoration

WPD 2015 Colorfully Commemorated at Addis Ababa Assembly Hall

Muaz Reshid with a radiant smile at the hydrotherapy facility.

Inaugurating the Hydrotherapy Facility for Polio Rehabilitation – the first of its kind in Ethiopia

Samuel Eto’o training with some of the children at the Football academy in Freetown

“FIFA 11 for Health” programme launched in Sierra Leone to promote healthy lifestyles among young people