Field trip to Zoba Debub and Norther Red Sea

As part of the Health Sector Strategic Development Plan III 2022 - 2026 development and consultations, the WHO team, led by Dr Prosper Tumusiime, WHO Health Systems consultant, conducted field visits in Zoba Debub and Semenawi Keih Bahri (Northern Red Sea) from 23rd -26th June 2021.

Zoba Debub 

Consultation with Zobas for Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSDPIII) 2022-2026 de...

The Ministry of Health, in partnership with WHO, conveyed HSSDPIII Consultation with 5 Zobas (Maekel, Anseba, Gash Barka, Northern Red Sea, and Debub), in Asmara on the 6th of July 2021. The consultative meeting was opened by Dr Berhane Debru, Acting Director General for Human Resources Development, Policy and Planning. Dr Berhane called on participants to fully engage in the consultation and emphasized the importance of the workshop, as part of the HSSDPIII development.

WHO Eritrea Supports the Ministry of Health Maternity Waiting Homes in remote areas ...

On the 24th June 2021, as part of World Health Organization Eritrea support to Ministry of Health for the continuity of essential health services on Maternal and Newborn health, WHO Eritrea delivered vital Infection prevention and Control (IPC) equipment, that will significantly contribute to the effectiveness of Infection prevention and Control Interventions in the Eritrean Maternity Waiting Homes that valued at 162,000.00 Nakfa.


Eritrea  continues to take actions to translate political commitment for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with required actions to implement identified priorities. As part of the agreed milestones the Honourable Minister of Health, Mrs. Amina Nurhussein, convened a high level meeting between top officials in the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) country team.

International Women’s Day 2021

March 8 holds a special place in every woman’s heart. It’s a day of celebration for acknowledgement of women’s contribution to human development. Women in the past were house makers, but today women play a major role in cultural, economic, political, and social affairs. Women are the majority in the world population and their contribution is a matter of great importance.  

This year, the theme for International Women’s Day held on (8th March), was “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.

Eritrea presents on the Regional Consultation on ICD-11 & CRVS

In November 2020, WHO and partners convened two workshops for technical staff leading and supporting improvements in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS). This February, on the 9th and 16th, 2021 consultation convened with senior management, Directors, and Registrar Generals, to follow up on the technical trainings to determine Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) improvement plans for implementation.