Kasensero Presents yet Another Challenge to Uganda’s Public Health

Ms Sophia Tageya, a midwife at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, is currently the team-lead of the COVID-19 response team at Kasensero landing site, located on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kyotera district, Southern Uganda.

The landing site is arched in the annals of public health history as the epitome of the  HIV/AIDS pandemic in Uganda. 

Proud to lead the 10 man team, Sophia says she has never been prouder to be a health worker than she is now, during the COVID-19 response.

Denmark Supports Uganda’s COVID-19 Response with Two Million Dollars

Kampala, 19 May 2020: - The Government of Denmark has signed a grant worth Two (2) Million Dollars to support the COVID-19 response in Uganda. The grant is to be channelled through the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and will go towards the procurement of lifesaving commodities such as masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) for health workers. The grant will also support the improvement of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in selected districts.

Uganda Uses Recent Outbreak Experience to Prepare for Coronavirus

As the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) spreads to low-income countries including Uganda, health authorities have intensified prevention measures that have been lauded by donors and the general public. There is no confirmed case in the country so far, but the measures in place are evidence of a country that knows too-well, the social and economic consequences of disease outbreaks with epidemic potential.

Disease outbreaks not new to Uganda

Inoculating against the ‘infodemic’ in Africa

On entering Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport, visitors are greeted by posters on how to prevent COVID-19 transmission, even before having their temperatures taken by medical staff.  Video messages play in the departure and arrival lounges. So far, the number of people in Africa confirmed to have the virus is much smaller than other parts of the world. But as more health ministries in Africa have confirmed the presence of the virus in their countries, what was once a distant threat is now much closer.  

Update on Uganda’s preparedness activities on the 2019- Coronavirus outbreak

Kampala, 20 February 2020: – The Ministry of Health working with partners has concluded investigations into rumours that have been circulating on social media alleging that there is a suspected case of the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in construction camps both in Buliisa and Masindi districts.
A joint Ministry of Health, World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveillance team visited 4 construction camps in Masindi- Paraa road and the 5th camp in Buliisa and established that: