Turning Communities into Partners in the Fight Against Ebola

Bundibugyo, 14 August 2019:- Kambayaya Tembo lives in the Bundibugyo District, Uganda. He rushed to his family when his wife, Florence, called with the terrible news that his brother had died in their house. His first instruction to her was to keep the children away from the body – no one should touch it.

His greatest fear was that his brother could have died of Ebola because the young man worked at a town close to the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak has entered its second year.

WHO’s Data Tool improves Ebola Surveillance, Contact Tracing and Decision Making in...

Kasese, 26th July 2019: - The recently introduced Go.Data, a software tool for outbreak investigation and contact tracing has revolutionized data collection, collation and analysis which are critical in disease outbreaks situations. 

For instance in the recent Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in Kasese district, western Uganda, the tool enabled frontline health workers and District Health Teams (DHTs) to handle information management for contact follow-up and reporting in real-time. 

Uganda Village joins forces to Fight Ebola

11 July 2019. Bwera, Uganda – When Godfrey and his wife Jennifer fell sick with vomiting and fever, their first thought was Ebola. Their neighbours in Muhindi, a small village in Kasese District of Uganda, had the same fear. But, thanks to their community surveillance training, all of them knew what to do.

Uganda Launches Scale-up Plan for Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment

 Kampala, 4th July 2019: - The Minister of Health, Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, launched a 100-Day Accelerated Scale-up plan for Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT) targeting over 300 000 People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) in Uganda. The government will also provide TPT to all children aged 12 months or more living with HIV as well as HIV-negative infants and children aged 5 years or below who are household contacts of patients with pulmonary Tuberculosis.

WHO Regional Director commends Uganda’s Ebola preparedness response

Kampala, 26 June 2019 – After assessing one of the high-risk districts for Ebola virus disease in western Uganda today, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, commended the corps of health workers and Health Ministry officials for their sharpened preparedness to respond to an outbreak.